Friday, October 17, 2014

More about techniques

This video shows how to make use of the TPR method. Total Physical Response method was developed by James Asher in the 60s and it is another tool we can count on when teaching kinesthetic and very young learners. Used alongside other methods and techniques, it enriches the learning-teaching process. 
Hope you enjoy it!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Student behaviours, limited in time, preceded by some direction from the teacher, with a particular objective. "Teaching by Principles" Douglas Brown. This is an example of an activity I designed to include after the report about "reading and writing"

Reading-Writing Presentation

This Power Point Presentation is one more of the practical applications of CALL (computer-assisted language learning). I designed it as visual support to an oral presentation on the skills "reading and writing" which can be considered as a free, communicative technique (report)


"A superordinate term to refer to various activities that either teachers or learners perfom in the classroom" "Teaching by Principles" Douglas Brown.